
Welcome to WorldElections.com

This blog was founded with the aim of providing neutral, reliable and thorough coverage and analysis, in English, of elections and referendums around the world. Since 2015, because of other responsibilities, this blog is largely dormant with intermittent posts on elections of particular interest. Maybe some day it will be revived, but that’s unlikely.

The editor

I am a dual Canadian and French citizen living in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada.I have an Honours Bachelor’s of Social Science with Specialization in Political Science from the University of Ottawa (Ontario, Canada) and  I am currently a Master’s student in Political Science at Carleton University (Ottawa, Canada).

My broad interests are comparative politics, elections and political history. My particular research interests include electoral geography and sociology, political violence, regionalism, nationalism and federalism. My main countries and regions of interest for academic research are Colombia, Mexico, Central America, Canada, France, Italy, Spain, South Africa and other countries in Latin America.

In the recent past, I have lived and worked in Colombia (Andean region) and Mexico (Quintana Roo).

This blog is (theoretically) neutral and non-partisan. Being entirely non-partisan is impossible, because everybody has biases. In some instances, it’s tougher to conceal your dislike for certain politicians or things, and inevitably that happens to me. Regardless of personal views and feelings, my blog posts strive to be fair in portraying all actors, parties and events.

My philosophy about elections is that analysis of patterns and larger trends are far more interesting than stale statistics and percentages, and that the fascinating thing about most elections are the links between results and demographic, geopolitical or historical patterns. Moreover, I always like to provide some background of the country or region in question, providing details about its history, economy or society which have links – even if not immediately obvious – with the specific election. History offers insights into voting patterns and behaviours of parties which are crucial to really understanding elections.

I don’t like analyzing elections by just telling you that in constituency x, candidate a polled x% of the vote, a change of x% since last time. I much prefer to look beyond the boring percentages and raw data to look into the questions which are really interesting: why did this place vote this way? how did it come to be like this? what were the issues of importance here?

I love maps, and I love electoral geography. Therefore, I always wish to include a map of the election being discussed. Maps tell us, better than anything, the real story of the election and tell us where the election was won and why it was won. Most of my base maps are from websites, various maps stolen from Wikipedia or found on other websites. Other maps I have edited and/or created myself.

If you wish to contribute a guest post on any election or a topic related to elections, please contact me directly at glhermine<at>gmail.com.

Contact and Commenting

You may contact me by email at glhermine<at>gmail.com.

Comments which are deemed spam, commercial or unnecessary trash will be deleted. Racist, discriminatory, derogatory, insulting, or ultra-partisan comments will not be approved. This is a blog of non-partisan electoral analysis, not of partisan debate or partisan politics. As a result, it is normal that comments which do not fit in with the objective of this blog will not be approved.

  1. Hello from Houston, Texas, USA. This is an excellent blog. I’m going to make a post about it at my own blog. Please keep up the good work.

  2. Salut Gaël, bravo pour ton site, j’attends les statistiques et prévisions électorales pour le canton de Maure de Bretagne … Merci d’avance ! Annie

  3. Hi,
    you forget (or didn´t know) added info to your calendar about regional election on 14 november 2009 in Slovak republic.

  4. Salut Gaël

    Par chance j’ai trouvé ton site et d’abord je te présente mes félicitations. Il me semble très complet et bien commenté. Et maintenant je veux faire un peu de promotion pour mon prope site qui contient les résultats de tous les référendums au niveau national (mais en allemand): http://www.sudd.ch .
    Si tu es d’accord nous pourrions échanger nos liens.


  5. This is a superb blog! Thank you so much for your excellent work. Best regs from Copenhagen.

  6. This is really an excellent blog. I am impressed!

    However – a slight correction regarding the Croatian People’s Party (HNS). Yes, the name alludes to the right, however the name is deceptive – HNS is a very left-wing, very socially liberal and very anti-nationalist party. For example, it is the only party whose leaders have marched in gay pride parades in Croatia. It should always be counted among the parties in potential left (SDP-led) coalitions, and never in right (HDZ-led) ones. In fact, this December, SDP and HNS are contesting the election together, in a big coalition of four strongest leftist parties.

    There, that’s settled. Keep up the good work! :)

  7. Hi there
    Also, there is an election in New Zealand on 26 November. Which countries are you following? It’s a great idea for a blog, would be incredible if it were truly global.

  8. Most impressive! You’ve created a veritable archive of all elections over the past three years.

  9. This is already a very good resource for fellow election freaks!
    If you ever need any input on analysing elections in Germany, feel free to contact me anytime.

  10. I just discovered this site and want to tell you I will be coming back for more analysis in the future. I consider myself a global political analyst but my understanding does not come close to the depth of analysis you cover here. I’m curious as to your thoughts on the Mexican Presidential Election this summer.

  11. hi! should you need some information about the greek elections i can provide it for you..thanks..

  12. Thank you so much for a fascinating and exhaustive analysis of the recent French elections. I’ve only just been made aware of your blog: I’ll be back!

  13. I was happy to find your site but I was disappointed not to be able to find any material on the recent 2012 Presidential and Parliamentary elections in East Timor. Neither East Timor (nor its other commonly-known name, Timor-Leste) is listed in your categories. If possible, I would like to write a guest post about these elections which I think provide valuable insights into the political and social dimensions of Asia’s newest nation. Please let me know if I may submit such a guest post. Otherwise, most of the media reports about these elections have been posted on the East Timor Law and Justice Bulletin if your visitors would like to learn more about them.

  14. Hi there!

    I found your blog by way of Google looking for information about Mississippi elections, and found your essay on George Wallace.

    I’m starting to do some election analysis and writing of my own and while I have a map making program, 12 years of database development experience and the will, getting precinct/county level election result data is proving difficult, the state of Mississippi is not inclined to make it easy to get its historical returns.

    Media outlets seem to have them, although they are not always reliable. I also can’t figure out how they break down the demographics of the black vote/white vote and so on.

    How do you go about obtaining tabulated election results data to make your maps?

  15. Hello!! My compliments for your blog, I always read all your articles, which are wonderful, and use part of them for my articles in youtrend.it I’m as nerd as you in this stuff :-) but you are unreachable. Check out for future italian elections this map some people of youtrend.it and I have developed: http://lastampa.it/italia/speciali/elezioni-politiche-2013/elezioni-2008 We think we did a decent job :-D You can obviously use it freely.


  16. Mike Moeller

    I just discovered this website. It is an excellent source. The only suggestion is that could post your analysis in pdf format.

    Thank you.

  17. Margaret Urban

    Hey, I live in South Africa (Johannesburg) and came upon this blog while searching to see how they allocate the “surplus” votes after getting whole seats in our proportional representation system; thanks for that info and lots more; I’ll refer others. I did spot a couple of “errors” in some of the descriptive sections and will let you know the details in future. btw I also love maps of – everything…

  18. This blog is great . I came upon it researching for comments on the Macedonian elections . An extensive elaboration you have there. Please feel free to contact me, if you are interested in Macedonian elections in future. I am working on cross-cultural perception of electoral integrity, and I appreciate your effort to accumulate knowledge on elections around the globe. As for ‘error detection’, I will land more attention , further on.


  19. This is an excellent source of material. Thank you for your work.

  1. Pingback: Intriguing map of 2006 NS results : contrarian

  2. Pingback: Gael L’Hermine’s intensity map of June 9 election : contrarian

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